短いビデオを作成するには、スクリプトの作成方法を学ぶことが重要です。 実際、スクリプトは長い間存在しており、映画やドラマの作成に重要な役割を果たしています。たとえば、短いビデオドラマでは、ビデオの撮影と編集に関与するすべての人々が 、カメラマン、俳優、衣装の準備、編集者を含む、すべてのアクションと動きは、どの時間と場所、写真に表示されるもの、カメラの使用方法、景色がどのようなもので、どのようなものか、 衣装の準備はすべてスクリプトに従って作成されます。初心者が短いビデオのスクリプトを書くことは難しくありません。そのため、短いビデオスクリプトを作成するための3つの手順を以下に示します。 ステップ1:テーマを定義します すべてのストーリーテリングビデオには、表現したいテーマが必要です。これは、夢のために戦うのが難しいか、長距離関係の困難です。 スクリプトを作成するときは、最初に表現したいテーマを決定し、その後すべてがこのテーマに基づいているため、短いビデオの作成を開始する必要があります。 ステップ2はフレームワークを構築しています 基本的なテーマを念頭に置いて、次のステップは段階的にそれを改良することです。 最初のステップは、ストーリーのフレームワークを構築することです。 このステップは、この主なアイデアを具体化するストーリーを使用する方法を考えることです。 このステップでは、キャラクター、シーン、イベントが設定され、完了します。 たとえば、主なアイデアが長距離の愛の困難を示すことである場合、キャラクターは仕事や学校のために離れなければならない若い恋人のペアとして設定される可能性があり、イベントはヒロインが残されているということかもしれません 彼女が病気になったとき、少年のケアは時間内に到着しません。このセクションでは、そのようなエピソードや紛争の多くを設定して、テーマを見せて最終的に物語を形成することができます。 ステップ3は詳細フィラーです &#8216;詳細が違いをもたらすと言われており、これは短いビデオにも当てはまります。 良い短いビデオと貧しいビデオは同じ物語の概要を持っているかもしれませんが、それらの間の本当の違いは、詳細が人々の心を動かすことができるかどうかにあります。 詳細の最も顕著な役割は、視聴者の没入感を高め、視聴者の感情を動かすことです。 これらの詳細を使用すると、キャラクターはより肉付けされます。表示する必要がある詳細を決定したら、次のステップは使用するショットを検討することです。これは、特定のスプリットスクリーンを書くときです スクリプト。さらに、撮影スクリプトでは、ショット、シーン、コンテンツ、ライン、持続時間、カメラワーク、小道具のすべてを次の6つの要素に分類できます。 カメラショット さまざまな種類のショットがあります:距離、パノラマ、ミディアム、クローズアップ、クローズアップ。 人のショットを撮ります。 ロングショットは、写真で撮影された人と環境全体であり、イベントの時間、環境、スケール、雰囲気を示すためによく使用されます。 大きなシーンを形作るためによく使用されます。パノラマは望遠よりも少し近く、フレーム内の人の全身を示し、人の全身の動きや関係を示すために使用されます。 ミディアムショットは膝から頭の上部までのショットです。これは、人の表現だけでなく、人の体の動きも示しています。クローズアップはまた 胸の上から頭までの人のショット。これは、人の顔や他の部門の表情とマンネリズムを示すのに非常に良いことです。 これには、目の角にある微妙な動きが含まれます。クローズアップは、キャラクターの目、鼻、口と足、つま先、その他の詳細のショットであり、必要な詳細を示すのに適しています。 強調表示されます。 コンテンツ コンテンツは、さまざまなシーンを通して言いたいことのプレゼンテーションです。 具体的には、これはスクリプトを分解し、コンテンツを個々のショットに分割することを意味します。 行 ここでは、60年代の短いビデオでは、テキストを180語を超えないでください。 そうでなければ、それを聞くのは特に疲れるでしょう。 duration 長さは、編集後の時間に迅速に焦点を見つけることができるように、各ショットの長さを、事前に明確にマークされた単一ショットの長さを指します。 編集の効率。 ミラーリング ミラーリングとは、カメラの動き方を指します。 近くから遠くまで、前方にパンし、前方に回転します。 小道具 選択する多くの異なる小道具があり、それらと一緒に遊ぶ方法はたくさんありますが、小道具は写真に追加されずに仕上げの役割を果たしていることに注意することが重要です。 主題のスタイルを盗ませないでください。いくつかのマルチシーンビデオも、撮影アドレスのために設計する必要があります。 スクリプトに関する知識を持っていることに加えて、新しいビデオ番号があなたとあなたのアカウントに合ったニッチを見つけることも非常に重要です。 ビデオチャネルの配置方法 Short videos have now become a national hobby, with Jitterbug alone having nearly 500 million daily active users by 2020. With hundreds of millions of active users, there are millions of videos produced on the platform every day. With so many different kinds of short video accounts, how do we get our content seen by more people?If we want to be seen and liked by more people, we need to position our account well, which is the most basic step we do when learning short video copywriting. If we don’t have our own Positioning and post whatever we want to shoot, then the platform system won’t be able to tag an account with unclear Positioning, and an account without tags means that the videos you post can’t be recommended to be accurate fans.From the fans’ point of view, even if your copywriting is good and a video suddenly explodes, but he enters your homepage and sees that your work is a mess, they will not follow you, so the Positioning of your account directly determines the speed of your increase in powder, the way to cash, how much money you make and the effect of attracting traffic, and also determines the style of your copywriting. The more accurate traffic we get, the easier it will be to cash in. The next step I will take is to teach you how to position your account and quickly find the right style and form of copy for you.Let’s start with a detailed understanding of what new Positioning is.Positioning refers to the fact that before we start making short videos, you need to be clear about your goals and what kind of image you want to leave in the minds of your users. Positioning is actually a relatively broad concept, mostly found in brand marketing, and refers to choosing an appropriate market position for a particular brand so that the goods occupy a special place in the minds of consumers. Jack Trout, the father of Positioning, said: “Positioning is about differentiating your company and products, forming a core competence. In other words, you need to build your own distinctive brand for your users.For example, there are a lot of popular genres like Jitterbug, and the most popular ones currently cover the following categories: technical streams, music and dance, beauty, life hacks, emotions, cute pets, spoofs, fitness, food, and so on. If you want to make your video copy unique, you must work hard in the areas you are good at, forming your own unique style and characteristics so that others cannot easily imitate and surpass you and you can be in an absolutely dominant position in this field. You will then be able to compete for a huge pool of traffic and have a better chance of attracting the target fans you want.I’ll give you a few examples of people you may be familiar with: “Fang Qi KiKi (who is a travel expert),” “Mango and Zhou Zhou (who are funny),” Yizen Xiao Monk (secondary yuan), Long Stomach Fairy (food), Golden Egg Yolk (cute pet), Seven Uncle Brain Master (emotion), Huizi sicca (talent), “Big Wolf Dog Zheng Jianpeng & Yan Zhen Couple (funny),” (with a screenshot of ShakeYin homepage) …… these accounts, they all have their own clear Positioning, or life, or spoof, or emotion …… in the field of short video creation, Positioning is to tell users who you are? What do you do? Your personal IP positioning from the initial impression completely occupies the user’s psychology; this is the process of Positioning.We just do a short video, especially copywriting white, only know what direction they are suitable to do content, you will have a direction when writing copy, not only can focus and will write more and more smoothly, this is like a friend you are familiar with, you can in the first time think of her physical characteristics, is fat or thin, etc. Account positioning is what allows users to quickly understand who you are and what you do. Through your continuous output of differentiated copy to produce a unique value, thus becoming the reason for users to follow you, they will be more and more impressed with you and even become friends. Every piece of your work is a way to convey your image to your fans, your persona, and a video with characteristics that will deepen your impression in the minds of your fans. When people have formed a deep impression of your image in their minds, they will be able to remember you in countless short videos and, at the same time, identify with your brand and values, ultimately achieving our goal of successful realization. そうは言っても、私たちは皆、現時点でアカウントのポジショニングについて深い知識を持っていると思います。 では、ポジショニングを通じて実際にコンテンツを実際に計画するのでしょうか? 次に、4段階のポジショニング方法を教えます。 この4段階のポジショニング方法に従う限り、アカウントのポジショニングを通じて独自のコピーフォームとスタイルをすばやく形成できます。 Clarify your path to cash.That is, know what means you intend to profit in the future? For example, bounty, goods, advertising, community services, or knowledge payment.You need to be clear from the start, which part of the population are you trying to attract? For example, if your product is sold to people in the workplace, then you can make a “white workplace growth.” By clarifying the direction of earning money, your competition circle can be designated as a knowledge IP type of account.For users, only when there is valuable content will they read it, and only when there is a valuable account will they be willing to pay attention to it. Value can be divided into many kinds, such as visual enjoyment value, entertainment enjoyment value, knowledge acquisition value, and so on. Good-looking, fun, interesting, and practical are the value directions that public users prefer.Defining your own realization path is actually about creating a persona for yourself in a certain vertical and communicating with your users and fans by constantly defining and strengthening your character. This kind of communication is more of a demonstration of your unique strengths. If you have this advantage and others don’t or can’t match it, then you are the absolute king in this area, and you can use it to your advantage in every video you make and amplify it.When setting up your persona, you need to think about the following questions: What impression can you give to people? What is your label? What is your character? What is the first thing that comes to mind when people think of you?For example, the “Big Wolf Dog Zheng Jianpeng & Yan Zhen couple” that we mentioned earlier will come to mind as Guangdong’s chartered in-laws, the kind who own ten buildings, as well as their large set of keys and their strong regional dialect. This is what makes his persona so successful.This girl, who is uncompromisingly realistic, has a realistic and realistic approach to her videos, and every video she writes is a true reflection of her personal travels. Whenever “travel” is mentioned, anyone who is familiar with her will be able to imagine that her copy is full of poetry and that every one of her videos is impressive. If you go back and watch her videos carefully, you can feel the beauty of the country and the mountains through her copy:“The clouds break through the sun; you are the beam of light.”“In my little bamboo basket, there is a handful of summer.”Such beautiful words as “March of the Flowers” should be reserved for Jiangnan.…… Hearing her copy, can’t you wait to take a trip that you just want to go on?At present, Fang Qi’s account can be realized through “soft placement,” “live streaming,” “merchandise window,” “collaborative endorsement,” and so on. In terms of persona, you can create your own account based on your own characteristics, from age, gender, perception, contrast, story, contrast, etc. Do what you like or are good at; only then will you be able to write your own copyWhat others do well, they may not necessarily do well, just like some celebrities, celebrities, KOL-type accounts, and content, the number of likes and fans are very high, but they do not have the image and talent; it is difficult to imitate; and for example, some animation and special effects accounts and content, they do not have the skills, that can not do.Therefore, when doing account positioning, on the one hand, we have to start from the platform and from the users; on the other hand, we also have to start from ourselves to see what we like to do and what we are good at, so as to ensure the quality of content and continuous output.Maybe what you like to do is not necessarily what you are good at, but the more you have enough love for it, the more motivation you have to learn and persevere. Enjoying it can also help you fight off some of the negativity that comes with frustration.It’s often easier to succeed at something you’re good at because you’re more comfortable doing it when you’re good at it. It also helps to combine your strengths with other sensual content to produce content that is uniquely yours and attracts more users.For example, in the account “Keiko sicca,” apart from being a good dancer, she is also very good at using her appearance and geographical advantages. In her videos, she is sweet, cute, and affectionate, and every little dance video is very infectious.Only liking and being good at it can motivate us to keep updating. Once there is no continuous and stable update, then the platform will give less weight to you according to the rules and algorithm and give you very few recommendations, and your target users will be easily lost.In the short video learning process, I have seen too many people who are enthusiastic about learning short videos at the beginning. Because they didn’t think clearly about their Positioning, they gave up after releasing a dozen or so works at random and not getting the expected results. So the ones who really make it are consistent and persistent in the direction they are interested in.In order to find the right niche, we can select and combine two areas of expression and expression to find the one that suits us and that we are good at.The expressions include live action, anthropomorphism, cute animals, video clips, 2D/3D animation, subtitle flip, PPT, and seven areas.The areas of expression includeBeauty: beautiful women, handsome men, cute childrenTalent: beauty, dressing, games, music, dance, handicraft, painting, technical streamsInterests: food, travel, animation, pets, writing, sports, fashion, technology, cars, goodies, sportsKnowledge: software, tricks, culture, education, photography, mother and child, health, workplace, creativity, plantingDrama: Funny, Duanzi, Reversal, Suspense, Life, Career, Positive Energy, InterviewOthers: information, political affairs, commentary, inventory, evaluation, vlogYou can find a direction that interests you according to the above two directions and then combine them into the direction you want to create. 独自のベンチマークアカウントを見つけて、お互いのコピーライティングルーチンとスタイルを迅速に学び、模倣します 状況、および彼らの開発史。 現在、業界に最新情報を提供し、ユーザーが好きなコンテンツと方向性を発見し、仲間の人気のある&#8216;ルーチンを学ぶことができる専門的なデータ分析Webサイトがあります。 Shake Da DaやFeiguaのデータなどは、業界データの取得と分析の実施における強力なヘルパーです。競合する製品を分析するために、互いのコピーライティングスタイルに集中するだけでなく、方向から複数の側面を解体および分析することもできます。 選択したトピック、スクリプト構造、撮影テクニック、ビデオ編集とパッケージ、ビデオタイトル、およびメッセージエリアインタラクションなど。各セクションを分析する必要があります。 一方では、これはお互いのコピーライティングスキルから学び、他方では、凌ぐことができる差別化のポイントを見つけることです。職場の知識を例にとると、アカウントを3つのカテゴリに分割できます。 :PPTカテゴリ、アンカー単一の音声カテゴリ、および実際の劇場カテゴリ。 さらなる分析により、PPTの人気は職場の分野では低いことが示されていますが、ライブシアターのフィードバックはすべての面で良いため、ライブシアターに焦点を当てています。次のステップは、データインジケータを決定することでした。 学習目標が誰であるかを迅速に定義する方法はありません。 メトリックを決定するには2つの方法があります。フォロワーの総数と、単一のビデオで得られるフォロワーの数です。 たとえば、10本のビデオを発行したファンの数は500,000人増加し、発行された20本のビデオはファンの数と比較して500,000人増加しました。これは、アカウントの運用効率を反映しています。 content must be vertically subdivided, do not remember to send friends like; all kinds of content have a variety ofWhat is vertical segmentation? It is to start from a point, extend vertically, dig down, and select the main business to develop again. One account only focuses on one niche; we have to split the user group, vertical and focused, rather than face a general group to do content. The more you try to cater to all users and do all kinds of content, the more you will find that all users will not like you and will even shut you down.Vertical, in other words, means avoiding the red sea of competition and doing niche areas. For example, if you shoot funny clips, but there are too many of them now, you probably won’t make it to the top. If you position yourself vertically, add a region, for example, northeasterners in Taiwan funny segments. If you position yourself vertically, you will have a much higher chance of writing a special copy that will be a hit video.Another example is that we look at short videos popular a thousand of them are beautiful women dancing, look for a long time naturally makes people disgusted. In a shake like Han Meijuan, such an account will be able to stand out. Therefore, in an era of serious homogenization, we must make a distinctive aspect, accumulate our own differentiation in the segmentation field, and thus enhance our competitiveness.In the field of short videos, “vertical segmentation” means performing in-depth in areas where you are more dominant and then subdivided to show the greatest advantage, i.e., this kind of segmentation focuses more on the display of advantages, but the specific classification still depends on the type of filmed content and the target group.Content vertical is to determine which aspect of the content you want to do; do not be greedy more. If you do the cute pet category, then send more cute pet-related videos; if you do the special effects category, then your videos try to send more special effects related; if you want to sing, then try to send more singing videos.Stick to posting vertical content, your copy will only be focused, and the chances of being officially recommended will be greater, and it will look more like you are professional in this vertical. If one of your videos is popular, then subsequently, continue to optimize the same type of video and update the vertical content to help get more recommendations.There is an account on Jitterbug called ‘Lu Xianren,’ and her account is positioned as a wild model. From the very beginning, Lu Xianren just insisted on posting videos of rural models walking on the runway, which started to make more netizens familiar with her. It was an explosive modeling video that swept the entire network and was quickly made into motion pictures by netizens, which started to spread virally, dominating all major mobile phone screens, and now it’s even so red that it’s out of the circle and on various variety shows.So if we do a competitive field, then we can segment vertically in that field and produce targeted content for a more segmented audience group. As long as your content and persona are bright enough, you can make short videos with characteristics that belong only to you. <スパンクラス= "nav-direction">前の 9イベントを宣伝するためのヒント