Create a Graduation Video Montage in Just a few clicks
Templates with effects, highly customizable, no experience needed!
How to make a graduation video in three steps
by yourself just in a few minutes?
Select a graduation template
Explorer world’s best video template library for graduation occasions, create your unique graduation video with a single click, no experience needed.
Mix up your graduation photos and clips
Add your photos and videos about your life in school, drag and drop, and make your graduation storyline. Set the music or use your songs.
Submit a video in a few clicks
Creating a graduation video with Vidbravo is fast and easy. Submit, and a graduation video will be ready soon!
Preserve your memories in a beautiful and unique way
A graduation video is a great way to preserve your memories and help you relive your favorite moments from school. A graduation video can be a great way to remember your time in school and all of the friends you made along the way.
A graduation video is a great way to document your educational journey
It can capture all of the memories and milestones you've accomplished along the way. Plus, it's a great way to share your achievement with friends and family. If you're considering making a graduation video, here are a few things to remember.
Make a graduation video montage or documentary
Decide what kind of video you want to make. There are two main types of graduation videos: the montage and the documentary. Montages are typically shorter and focus on highlights from your time in school. On the other hand, documentaries are longer and tell your story in more detail. Choose the type of video that best fits your needs.
Gather your materials and be your movie star
You'll need photos, videos, and any other memorabilia you want to include in your video. You may also want to interview classmates, teachers, and family members. You can find templates, tutorials, and tips for making an excellent graduation video with Vidbravo. With a little effort, you'll be able to create a video that you'll be proud to share with the world.
Create a beautiful tribute to your graduate that cherishing for years
Capture all the memories and emotions of this special moment in time. Vidbravo offers a variety of templates to choose from, making it easy for anyone to create a graduation video. Our software is easy to use, even for people who have never made a video before.
Surprise your friends and family with a stunning video made in minutes
It has never been easier to make a graduation video than with Vidbravo. We offer a wide range of graduation video templates that can be customized to fit your needs. With our easy-to-use tools, you can create a custom graduation video that is perfect for any occasion. Make your graduation video more memorable than ever before.
Share your graduation story with the world
A graduation video can help you keep in touch with friends who have moved away or whom you haven’t seen in a while. It can be a great way to show your family members what your school and classmates are like.